1st Offense DUI in Towson, MD
When you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the consequences aren’t often favorable. Luckily, if it is your first time receiving a DUI charge in Towson, MD and you work with the expert lawyers at Albers & Associates, your chances for minor penalties are relatively high.
What Penalties Will I Face?
Maryland assessed two different types of penalties to those caught operating or attempting to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence:
Criminal Penalties: These penalties are decided upon by the courts and for 1st time DUI offenders can include:
- Jail time up to one year
- Fines up to $1,000
Administrative Penalties: The Motor Vehicle Association of Maryland will assess penalties that place restrictions on your driving privileges. These include:
- Driver’s license suspension up to six months
- 270 days license suspension if a chemical BAC test is refused
- Enrollment in the Ignition Interlock Program (IIP)
1st Time DUI Penalties for CDL Drivers
Even if you’ve never received a DUI conviction before, your 1st offense can result in life-changing consequences for you if you are in possession of a Commercial Driver’s License in Maryland. Penalties are much stricter for drivers carrying this license, and your commercial driving privileges can be revoked indefinitely as a result of this conviction.
Even CDL carriers who receive a DUI charge while in their personal vehicle or off the job can lose their license, which might mean unemployment or necessitate a career change.
What is an Ignition Interlock Device (IID)?
The Ignition Interlock Program was developed in order to allow offenders to drive to work, school, medical facilities, and rehabilitation programs after a DUI conviction in Maryland. The Ignition Interlock Device is installed in the offender’s vehicle and requires the driver to test their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level before the device will allow the vehicle to turn on.
Enrollment in the IIP may seem like a hassle, but it can be the difference between being unemployed and facing financial hardship, and continuing to live your life as normally as possible after a DUI conviction.
Your Resource for 1st Offense DUI Defense in MD
The attorneys at Albers & Associates specialize in DUI cases in Towson, MD and can help you seek these more minor penalties so that your life isn’t turned upside down by a first offense DUI conviction. Contact us to schedule your free legal consultation with our professional and reliable DUI lawyers today.