Underage DUI Attorney in Towson, MD
When you’re underage, the penalties for operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs can carry very strict penalties. Towson, MD is already strict on drunk drivers, but they have absolutely zero tolerance for those who are caught drinking and driving when they are not legally of age to consume alcohol according to state laws.
Luckily, the underage DUI lawyers at Albers & Associates are here to help you when you are charged with this crime in Towson, MD.
Criminal vs. Administrative Hearings
For any driver who is caught under the influence of alcohol, no matter their age, there are two sets of penalties and hearings involved.
The criminal hearing addresses alcohol use or abuse and seeks to determine:
- Whether addiction counseling or rehabilitation programs are necessary
- Jail sentences and other punishments.
- Fines to be paid by the offender.
The administrative hearing addresses the operating of a motor vehicle and seeks to determine appropriate penalties, fines, and restrictions regarding the offender’s driving privileges in Maryland.
Underage DUI Penalties
The penalties you will be assessed once you are convicted of underage DUI rely on a few different details, including the specific circumstances surrounding your traffic stop and the efforts of your legal counsel. Common penalties for committing this crime are:
- Suspension or revocation of your Maryland driver’s license
- An alcohol restriction added to your driver’s license
- Fines that exceed $1,000
- Required enrollment in the Ignition Interlock Program (IIP)
- Arrest and detainment
- Jail time
How Albers & Associates Can Help You
If you made the mistake of drinking underage and getting behind the wheel, your first step should be finding a reputable and experience underage DUI lawyer to assist you with your case.
The experts at Albers & Associates specialize in DUI defense and can help you seek lesser penalties by advocating for you as our client and proving to the court that you have learned a valuable lesson from being charged with your crime.
Contact us today to schedule your free legal consultation for help with your underage DUI charges in Towson, MD.