Eldersburg Probation Violation Attorneys
Probation is a delicate thing and it can, in some cases, be revoked. Violating your probation can prove serious for your future and may include jail time, fees, and a longer process for getting your life together. If you have been charged with a probation violation in Eldersburg, Maryland then Albers & Associates can help you. Our experienced lawyers are ready to step in and defend your rights.
What Kinds of Probation Violations Are There?
Probation violations come in two major types: Technical probation violations and committing another crime. A technical probation violation might be something like being late to one of the appointments with your probation officer or missing one of your drug testing appointments. Though this may not seem like a big deal, it can have some serious consequences, especially if it happens more than once.
The second type of probation violation is when you commit a crime. Violating your probation this way will land you in jail to await new sentencing in the violation of probation hearing. Being on probation is a privilege and the law may be aggressive about violations. Avoid committing crimes, especially if you’re on probation. However, if you find yourself in a tough spot, you need a lawyer who can help you with your probation violation in Eldersburg, MD.
Will You Go to Jail if You Violate Probation?
You probably will. After all, probation is an opportunity for you to stay out of jail with special parameters in place so that the state can keep an eye on you. If you violate their trust in you, however delicate, they will likely send you to jail where you will be reevaluated based on the violation and sentenced accordingly.
In the event that you did not intend to violate probation, then you may be able to stay out of jail. However, you will need to work with a trusted Eldersburg Probation Violation lawyer. Unlike a traditional criminal trial, you will be evaluated by a judge and your probation agent rather than a jury. When we take your case, we will work with that agent to ensure that justice is done.
Have You Violated the Terms of Your Probation in Eldersburg, Maryland?
If you’ve been charged with probation violation in Eldersburg, Maryland, then Albers & Associates can help you. We have a long history of experience handling these kinds of cases and representing many different people in your position. To learn more about how we can help you and to get started, contact us today to set up a free consultation.