Probation Violation Attorneys in Maryland
Have You Violated Probation? We Can Help.
Once your probation conditions have been set, they are akin to laws written in stone, and cannot be violated. Any violation of probation is taken very seriously and could result in you serving your original jail sentence.
If you’ve been charged with a violation of your probation, you should contact an experienced Maryland probation attorney, as the ramifications of your case could be detrimental.
Common Conditions of Probation
Probation conditions are at the discretion of the judge but should be related to the crime.
That said, there are some common probation conditions in Maryland law:
- Regular meetings with a probation officer
- No changing address without approval from your probation officer
- Community service
- No contact with certain individuals
- Prohibition of alcohol
- Education/Work commitments
- No possession of firearms or weapons
- Fines
What Qualifies as a Violation of Probation?
Violation of your probation is a very serious matter and should be treated as such. There are a number of ways that you can violate your parole. Of course, any violation of the judge’s conditions or any kind of crime committed are violations of probation, but do you know about “technical” probation violations?
Technical probation violations include things like arriving late to probation meetings or avoiding community service. While these infractions may not seem as severe as committing a crime, they can lead to the same consequences, as they are still probation violations. In short, if you want to avoid violating your parole you need to follow your set guidelines to a T.
What Happens if I Violate My Probation?
Once you have been charged with a violation of your probation, the next step is your probation violation hearing. Typically, under Maryland law, your probation violation hearing should be presided over by the same judge that presided over your sentencing.
A probation violation hearing is not a criminal matter and is instead conducted as a civil proceeding. The decision is made by the judge, as opposed to a jury. Once the hearing begins, you must either agree or deny that the probation was violated. If the violation is denied, then a full hearing will be held. A state’s witness, most typically your probation officer, will present evidence to the judge. If the judge decides that probation was violated, then the hearing will turn into a sentencing, which could result in prison time.
Why Should I Hire a Lawyer for My Maryland Probation Violation Hearing?
The outcome of your probation violation hearing is critical to whether you spend your days free or imprisoned. A probation lawyer may be able to prove to the court that the probation violation was either unintentional or was a result of extenuating circumstances. Don’t take any chances with your future, hire a professional Maryland probation attorney, hire Albers & Associates.
Contact us today with any questions regarding our legal services, or to request your free consultation.
Will You Go to Jail After a Probation Violation?
Probation is a way to avoid a prison sentence when you have committed a serious offense in Maryland. This is a period where you are able to be back in the community but have a set of strict conditions to abide by. If you violate any of these conditions, your probation may be revoked and you will be assessed more serious penalties.
Conditions of Probation
Probation is the optimal alternative to imprisonment, as it allows you to serve a sentence from the comfort of your home and enables you to continue as a member of your public community.
However, there are requirements that you must abide by in order to comply with your probation and avoid jail time, which commonly include:
- Regularly meeting with your probation officer
- Continuing school and work commitments
- No consumption of drugs or alcohol
- No weapon possession
- Participation in community service
Common Probation Violations
Any of the following can be considered violations of probation and can land you in serious trouble with the law:
- Not showing up to meetings with the probation officer
- Testing positive on drug/alcohol tests
- Missing community service
- Not paying court costs or fines on time
- Changing address without notifying P.O. Or other officials
- Possessing firearms
- Not appearing in court when required
- Committing further crimes
Penalties for Violating Probation in Maryland
When you violate your probation, a hearing is set, and you must appear in court so that the judge(s) can determine your punishment.
In Maryland, the maximum penalties that can be assessed are as follows:
- First Violation: 15 days imprisonment
- Second Violation: 30 days imprisonment
- Third Violation: 45 days imprisonment
Reach Out to Albers & Associates for a Case Evaluation
It’s vital to stick to the conditions of your probation in order to avoid any jail time for the crime you have committed. You can easily receive a jail sentence if you do violate any of the terms, so it’s helpful to work with a professional criminal defense lawyer in Maryland if you are seeking or currently on probation.
Have you violated probation and need legal assistance in ensuring you receive fair treatment? The expert criminal defense attorneys at Albers & Associates are here to help you every step of the way and get the best outcome possible for your criminal case.
Contact us at (443) 665-8030 today for a free consultation for legal services in Maryland.