How Strict are Maryland DUI Laws?
Driving under the influence is a serious crime because it can affect your freedom and privilege to drive. More importantly, it can be a deadly crime, and change your life and the lives of strangers. In most cases, the penalty should fit the crime.
So, how strict are Maryland DUI laws compared to other states? A recent study determined that Maryland DUI Laws are some of the most lenient.
Maryland DUI Laws lenient compared to other states
WalletHub’s report considered 15 variables to determine the strictest and most lenient DUI laws. The factors included: the point when a DUI becomes a felony, the minimum jail time for DUI offenses, the duration of license suspensions, number of sobriety checkpoints used, etc.
Maryland scored as one of the most lenient states when it comes to DUI charges. The strictest state was Arizona. Maryland’s score included information taken from Carroll County, Howard County, Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, Anne Arundel County, Calvert County, Baltimore County and more.
Expect Maryland’s score to change with the passing and implementation of Noah’s Law.
The First Offense of DUI in Maryland
Being charged for the offense of DUI for the first time in Maryland includes a driver’s license suspension. If not properly represented there could also be a maximum fine of $1,000, imprisonment for up to one year, and 12 points on your driver’s license. The first DUI offense is not a slap on the wrist, you could do jail time depending on the circumstances of your case.
The Second Offense of DUI in Maryland
The second offense of DUI in Maryland also leads to a driver’s license suspension. Additionally, if enhanced penalties are requested by the State’s Attorney’s Office, then the potential fine and jail time escalates to $2,000 and two years. Depending on your last DUI conviction, you could also be subject to to a minimum of five days incarceration.
How To Avoid Strict DUI Penalties in Maryland
Being arrested for driving under influence might not only be detrimental to your social image, but will also have an impact on the decisions you make further down the road, because a DUI stays on your record.
While the laws of Carroll County and Howard County, Maryland may not be as strict as other states, a judge can make an example of your case and leave you with fines, points, and potential jail time. Additionally, you could be left with a criminal record that will follow you around for the rest of your life.
Albers & Associates is one solution for all those charged with the offense of driving under influence in the state of Maryland. The law services provided by Maryland DUI Attorney Ross W. Albers are the highest quality with years of expertise and practice behind it, giving his office the edge over the case and its outcome. Make calling Albers & Associates your first step if you are arrested for a DUI or DWI in Carroll County or Howard County, Maryland. He will stand beside you and work to providing the best possible outcome every step of the way.